There are a number of styling choices for text elements. You can use them to apply font faces, increase or decrease
text size, make your text bold, etc.
These classes will change the font face of the element.
There are two font family definitions available: font-global, which corresponds to the global standard font,
and font-headline, which has a font face better suited to larger font sizes.
Font Sizes
You can use these classes to make your font smaller or larger.
All values are based on the document's root font size, which differs between the three states
(14px on palm-sized devices and 12px on tablet-/desktop-sized devices).
Since all classes are root-size based, you can nest as many size declaration as you want
without risking unwanted multiplications, as would be the case with parent-relative sizes.
Line Heights
These classes will change the line height of the element. The line height determines how much whitespace there is
above and below the text within each line.
Font Weights
You can make the text of an element bold by appending the class font-bold,
or semi-bold by applying the font-semibold class (whether there is any
difference between the two depends on the typeface).
If you want a previously bolded text to be displayed with normal font weight, use font-normal.
Font Styles
You can use these classes to make your text italic, strike it through, make all letters uppercase,
or capitalize each word.
Text Colors
There are a number of colors you can give your text, including signal colors for status information
and others to make the text either more or less visible.
These are the colors you can use.
Plain Colors
Status Information
CI Colors
Brand orange
Brand blue
Cutting Off Text
When you need to make sure that a certain text takes up only one line, regardless of its length, you can use the
font-ellipsis class.
The text will be cut off at the end of the first line, and instead show an ellipsis (…) to indicate that more follows.