Core Framework v1.2.0 – Documentation

Top Navigation

The global top navigation is the central navigation hub to all of ImmobilienScout24's content sections, as well as the user's account area. It replaces the old global header.

The navigation bar will stick to the top of the page when the user scrolls down. (We've placed one at the top of this page for your scrolling pleasure.)

On mobile devices, the tabs are replaced with slide-in navigations, with content links sliding in from the left, and login links sliding in from the right.

  1. Implementation
    1. Full-width Version
    2. Contained Version
    3. JavaScript Initiation
  2. Fixed vs. Non-fixed

Please note: Code examples in this documentation are limited to implementation demos. The header configuration is centrally managed within the CMS, so if you wish to use the top navigation on your pages, you should include the necessary markup by way of a CMS content snippet.
(For more information on how to do that, please refer to the Wiki or bribe your CMS team with shiny things.)


Full-width Version

The standard version of the top navigation requires the complete page structure as explained on Getting Started – Page Structure (Complete).

Page structure for full-width top navigation
  <div class="viewport">
      the .page-wrapper gets another class .top-navigation-slide-in-container, which handles all styling for
      the slide-in part of the top navigation.
    <div class="page-wrapper top-navigation-slide-in-container">
        header goes here (the actual header markup is supplied through the CMS header snippets)

Contained Version

Coming soon…

JavaScript Initiation

The top navigation needs some JavaScript for the slide-in navigation and the fix-to-top behavior.

Note: These scripts are automatically called through an inline script tag included in the CMS header snippet, so you just need to make sure that the Core JS is available.

if (IS24 && IS24.core && IS24.core.topNavigation) {
if (IS24 && IS24.core && IS24.core.fixElementToViewportTop) {

Fixed vs. Non-fixed

The top navigation bar is by default fixed to the top of the display. If you need the header to stay where it is regardless of scrolling, you may leave away the fix-to-top class (and any related wrapper elements).

(There is going to be a separate CMS snippet for this.)

Fixed header
<!-- this wrapper acts as a reference to determine at which point the header should be fixed -->
<div class="fix-to-top-wrapper fix-to-top-wrapper--top-navigation">
    <nav class="top-navigation fix-to-top">
        <!-- this one works some positioning magic when there is a skyscraper ad -->
        <div class="fix-to-top__skyscraper-spacer">
                navigation content starts here
Non-fixed header
<nav class="top-navigation">
    <!-- navigation content starts here -->

“Powered-by” Logo

The powered-by logo, while visually the top-most element on the page, is meant to be down low in the source code for SEO-related reasons.

To make this work, the logo needs to be placed at the end of the page wrapper. It will then be positioned absolutely to make sure it is visually at the top of the page.

Powered-by logo implementation
<!-- the additional .corporate-powered-by-container element acts as positioning reference -->
<div class="page-wrapper corporate-powered-by-container">
  <!-- other, more relevant content here -->
  <div class="corporate-powered-by">
    <div class="content-wrapper align-right">
      <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="#">
        <img src="//"
             alt="Powered by Telekom" class="corporate-powered-by__logo"
             onerror="this.src='//';this.onerror=null;" />
             <!-- this onerror handler is a fallback for non-SVG-ready browsers -->